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Sunday, September 7, 2008

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High Country Inspiration

We're drinking in the dying passion of late summer before succumbing to the cold of winter. There is much creative inspiration to be found in the high country of Washington State. We've logged many miles on narrow switchbacks to find the pictures that will live in our memory into the chill nights ahead.

As we struggle to fill the multiple landscapes that make up Adytum with beauty and order, we're amazed at the natural, easy, accomplished landscaping of the Creator here at altitude. All we need for instruction and ideas on our fifteen acres, we find at Mt. Rainier and Sunrise Peak these last weeks of summer.

To be in forests of Alpine Fir with carpets of succulent strawberries on the forest floor, and abundant sweet huckleberries running up the hillsides their foliage ablaze in Autumn hues lays the template we will seek to reproduce on our own land. To witness the long stemmed sensuous dance of wildflowers in the crisp breeze- Indian paintbrush, purple lupine, bear grass, soft blue flax....well, it's all the direction and inspiration we need to return to Adytum and begin recreating it all.